Travis has been asking me what I want to do for Mother's Day. I haven't been able to come up with an answer. You mean a day where I can choose to do WHATEVER?! I feel like I should have the answer at the front of my mind considering most days all I want to do is do whatever I want but a majority of the time it doesn't happen. So now I get a day to choose whatever and I still have no clue what to do. I can't decide if I want to be by myself or spend it with the one who calls me mother (well, Mama or Mommy to be exact). Should we go out to eat or stay in and have Travis cook? (and clean the kitchen after ;) ) Really I have no idea because I have so many other things on my mind, like taking a few of our girls to a lake house this Saturday (Sunday's not even on my radar), pondering over gifts for our own mothers, and thinking about this tiny babe below.
How far along? 15 Weeks
How big is baby? the size of a naval orange and might be hiccuping in there! Bring on the tiny little bump, bump, bumps. I can't wait to feel those :)
Total weight gain: still around 10 lbs, I've slowed my roll when eating
Maternity clothes? some days
Sleep: hasn't been great but I think it's mostly due to allergies and the fear of my nose bleeding in the middle of the night
Best moment this week: this has nothing to do with Juice Drop but Anna has started saying "thanks" without being prompted! It's the sweetest :)
Miss Anything? nothing I can think of this week
Movement: no
Food cravings: sweets, I just want candy all the time!
Gender: won't know until May 24th but I did have a dream that we were having a boy! I'm always wrong so it's probably a girl ;)
Symptoms: still those darn bloody noses, so annoying!
Belly Button in or out? in between
Happy or Moody most of the time: pretty happy this week
Looking forward to: my second Mother's Day even though I have no clue what I'm going to do!
Maybe you can help me out in trying to decide what to do this Sunday...What has been one of your favorite activities to do on Mother's Day?
You are the cutest pregnant lady!! Love your posts! I'm pregnant with our third and just found out it's a boy! We're so excited after two girls to be having a boy (though I'm a little overwhelmed at the thought of three)! Your blog is an inspiration! Keep it up!!
Hi Chrissy! Thanks for stopping by :) And thank you for your sweet comment! Congrats on your third and baby boy!! That's so exciting! Praying for a happy and healthy pregnancy for you :)