
Taking Stock

Making : a gift for my Mama for Mother's Day (I can't spoil the surprise or else I'd share)
Cooking : crockpot chicken tacos and crockpot chicken bbq sandwiches. I heart my crockpot
Drinking : chocolate milk, it hits the spot every time
Reading: not a thing
Wanting: to eat all.the.time.
Looking: closely at mothers with two children
Playing: in the sand/dirt/mulch/water with my little one while she enjoys exploring outdoors
Wasting: time during naps because I can and don't feel like doing anything else
Sewing: not yet but soon will be sewing 8 bridesmaids clutches. Watch out Etsy, I may have something going on here.
Wishing: to be closer to extended family
Enjoying: the warmth of the sun after a long winter
Waiting: anxiously to find out the gender of this babe
Liking: quiet mornings spent on our newly decorated porch 
Wondering: how we'll possibly survive having a 2 year old and newborn in less than 6 months
Loving: all of Anna's many laughs
Hoping: our two week vacation in July really comes to fruition

Marvelling: at Anna's beauty
Needing: the pollen to cool it. Allergies are the pits.
Smelling: our neighbors exotic foods. 
Wearing: athletic gear and my new maternity sweatpants, basically anything comfortable
Following: Anna wherever her little legs take her. Usually it's to a set of stairs.
Noticing: every little movement my body makes hoping it's Juice Drop squirming. Too soon.
Knowing: the inevitable...I'll have to do labor all over again. 
Thinking: I need to spend more time with Jesus
Feeling: a little overheated. A/C's turned off this afternoon
Bookmarking: crockpot recipes
Opening: the doors and letting the fresh air in
Giggling: while binge watching all the seasons of The Office with Travis for the millionth time
Feeling: joy knowing a second child only brings more love to the family

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