Friends, forgive me. I'm a whole week late posting about our sweet little bump. Today I'm 23 weeks pregnant and I'm just now updating you all on the 22nd week. This week has been nuts, with returning from our long but wonderful trip to the mid-west and just trying to get back into the groove of things, sitting down to write a post was put on the back burner, and honestly all I wanted to do after putting Anna to sleep (whether it be a nap or bedtime) was veg. So here we are, a week late:
How far along? 22 Weeks (technically 23 weeks but I'll post my 23 week update in a few days--hopefully!)
How big is baby? the size of a papaya and he's sleeping in cycles, 12-14 hours a day. Which sounds about right. When I'm resting that's exactly the times he likes to play. I don't mind one bit ;)
Total weight gain: 22 pounds!!! When I was 22 weeks with Anna I had only gained 12 pounds!
Maternity clothes? only when I'm in public trying to look nice, otherwise it's gym shorts, leggings, and tshirts and tank tops
Sleep: so ready to go out and buy a body pillow! I borrowed a friend's while traveling and it was the best thing since sliced bread!
Miss Anything? fitting into my two-piece like I'm supposed to. I could still rock it but when I was THE only mother at the YMCA pool the other day in a two-piece (not to mention pregnant) I felt out of place and a little insecure :( The next day I ran out to buy a maternity suit and after 2 hours I finally found something that I can feel good in. But believe you me, the beach in 2 weeks will see me in my little two-piece!
Movement: I feel this little guy way more than I felt Anna and I don't think it's because he's my second. Our ultrasound tech did say his placenta is towards my back and he's closer to my front and that's why I'm feeling so much. I don't mind one bit ;)
Food cravings: turkey sandwiches with cheese, lettuce, and tomatoes. Thankfully I'm still able to enjoy these after I heat the turkey!
Gender: baby boy!
Symptoms: heartburn, peeing all the time, out of breath, swelling in my feet (only happened once after we walked around the zoo for 3 hours, so.), and my favorite: baby kicks!
Belly Button in or out? out
Happy or Moody most of the time: happy!
Looking forward to: the next three weeks: our 9 year anniversary, my mom, stepdad, and sister come to town for 4th of July weekend, our babymoon, and vacation! I have a feeling July will be just superb!
I can't end this post without sharing a few photos from our trip to the Columbus Zoo. While Anna had been to the zoo before it was her first time where she really enjoyed it. Animals are her favorite things these days so the zoo was just magical for her. It brought us so much joy to see her eyes light up with every animal we saw. She'd yell the animal's name, growl if it was a lion or bear, or exclaim "what's that?!" Simply the best.
We went with Travis' dad. Anna loves her Pop Pop.
This baby baboon cracked us up! Look at his surprised face and the way he's wanting to bust out of there and eat whatever's in Anna's snack cup! Too funny.
This is one of my favorite pictures ever.
I think Anna was more scared of this statue than the real thing!
We really did have such an amazing time visiting family and friends in Ohio, Indiana, and West Virginia. It's always great catching up and sharing our lives together even if it's for a few days or a few hours. We are so blessed by their love and friendship. We may be living in Charlotte now but our hearts are still in the
Mid-West! <3