
Married for 6 Years: the Iron (bat) Anniversary

What else would we rather be doing on our 6 year anniversary than spending it by helping move one of our best friends? It just adds to our list of memorable anniversaries beginning with our first spent not just eating at Cracker Barrel once, but twice (breakfast and dinner)!--and we worked there for crying out loud! We just couldn't stay away; or was it because we were married college students who had a 30% discount? We spent our 2nd and 4th much like our 6th...moving, and for the 2nd and 4th it was us doing the moving, first time to South Carolina and second time back up here to Indiana. It's only fitting that we'd spend this last anniversary moving yet again! and with such an amazing woman! I really wouldn't rather be anywhere else...well unless our annivesary consisted of a cruise, then maybe I would!

However, we still tried to make it special. Travis surprised me by taking me to the batting cages. Ok, ok, not so romantic for some, but for me it was! First of all I haven't been to one in like 5 years and second of all I told him a couple of weeks back it'd be a fun date! Since I hadn't been to one in a very long time I didn't dare try fast pitch softball even though I played all my life. I was too chicken and I didn't want to be embarrassed! Travis started off by hitting the fast pitch. After he wiffed almost all 16 balls, I thought to myself, "if he can't hit them, how the heck am I?!" I tried slow pitch and it was just too slow so I mustered up all the guts I had, put on the nasty, sweaty helmet the batting cages provide, and prayed for my life as I stepped into the fast pitch cage. A few zoomed right down the middle as I swung away but once I connected with that 5th one, oh boy, did I feel like I was back in high school or what!? It felt amazing, exhilirating, stupendous, and almost like I never stopped playing! I put in 4 more tokens that evening and it just kept getting better. I decided to call it quits when I looked down at my thumb and saw the biggest blister I've ever had--I felt it soon after! My adrenaline must have allowed me to ignore the pain while I was reliving my former days! While it wasn't an overnight stay in a bed and breakfast or a weekend away in Indy (our 3rd and 5th anniversaries), this anniversary meant so much to me because I was given the chance to take a walk down memory lane and reminisce on the feeling I so loved having of blasting one right between left and center!

Ready to go

Ready for the pitch

Swinging Away!
The Outcome :(


Travis did finally make a connection! :)

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